Communicate with your customers!
Catch the eye of your customer
Supplement your packaging
Strategically locate your products
Help your retailer merchandise your products
Target impulse buyers
Point of Sale signage is an extremely useful tool for making the most out of a shopping experience, both for you and your customers
Point of sale signage is so much more than how you designate an area where transactions will take place. In a nutshell, it serves two basic functions, to allow you to upsell items for last minute purchases, and to communicate with your customers.
When it comes to conveying information to your customers waiting to pay, Pos signage offers you a unique opportunity in that you have a passive audience with roaming eyes, eager to latch on to any distraction as they wait. POS displays are designed to stop your buyer in their tracks so it’s a great opportunity to be brave and creative, and make unique signs and imagery that grab the eye. Think of it as the last image your customer will see before leaving the store, you want it to be something memorable!